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Our 5 Favorite FREE Online Tools to Organize Your Business

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Running your own business is far from easy and finding smart ways to cut cost can be difficult at times. There are so many tools and resources out there to help make running your business easier or smoother but it can get expensive adding all of the different programs and software into your operations. We wanted to share some of the amazing online resources that we have integrated into our workflow that has changed the way that we do business without breaking the bank at all. Cause they are FREE!!

Airtable can do so much!

We have incorporated Airtable into so much of what we do it is crazy! Airtable is basically an easy to use cloud based spread sheet app. I know it sounds super exciting right? But really it can be used for such a verity of applications and is so much simpler than Excel or Numbers. It can be for anything from lead management, task lists, event planning, product cataloging, or even building a long term Instagram schedule. It could solve the most basic need for your business but can also be structured and integrated into very complex systems. We have even worked with our design team to have Airtable manage the backend data for a webpage. They have tons of Templates and an online community they call the Universe to help get you started.

Trello for project management

Trello is an amazing tool for keeping projects and task done in a timely and organized fashion. Instead of being laid out in a spreadsheet format Trello is built as a series of columns with cards that can be seamlessly passed from column to column. Each card can have check/to-do lists or attachments which give you a creative way to track the progress of blog content or social media post. Trello also gives you the ability to collaborate with others in these boards. So if you have a team or a friend helping you with projects, you can divi up tasks and see the progress work in real time. Our friends at Go Live HQ have a great video giving you an example of how to use Trello to create a social media calendar

Zapier for easy to use automation

I can geek out on Zapier but it can easily get overwhelmed when you start to think about all of the things that this program can do. The basic idea is that zapper acts as a bridge that helps two apps communicate with each other automatically saving you time and energy. So lets say that you love having your Instagram posts from your business account shared in Pinterest for your followers to see what is going in on IG. Instagram lets you link a lot of accounts but not Pinterest. Well you can create a “Zap” that will automatically post to Pinterest every time that you post to Instagram. Pretty cool right?! There are truly an endless number of uses for a program like this and I LOVE IT!!

Google Keep for simple tasks

Ok so everyone knows that Google has a full arsenal of free tools that are awesome for small businesses but Keep has become one of my new favorites. There is nothing crazy or flashy about this program but it is great for jotting down those simple thoughts or to-dos that pop up during the busyness of the day. You can create multiple post-it style lists or notes and change the color to your liking. Thing that makes this tool so great is how it integrates into Gmail. If you are a Gmail user, you can have you keep notes and list open as a tool bar on the right side of your browser within your Gmail inbox. Its so convenient when getting those emails and task checked off your agenda.

Wave for free online accounting

Ok so I know accounting is not fun but what makes it even worse is paying for those programs. Wave is a FREE accounting and invoicing cloud based program that is super easy to use. You can easily integrate your bank account and credit cards right into the program so you can start tracking and categorizing your transactions. You can also create estimates and recurring invoices. It will generate all the reports that you would need for tax time. And if you have a CPA you can integrate them into the program so they can help keep all of your books in order. They even have affordable vertical book keeping options for you as well.

Those are just a few of the free options that we love! Getting your business organized can be challenging and even overwhelming at times but if you just push through, your business will run better and stronger, and you will feel more free when you are away from it. YOU CAN DO IT!

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